To Ukraine for Study!

The law of Ukraine «About legal status of foreigners and persons without nationality» provides that foreigners and persons without the nationality, constantly living in Ukraine, and also those foreigners to whom the status of the refugee in Ukraine is provided, use medical care on a level with her citizens. Other foreigners and persons without nationality receive medical care as it should be which is confirmed by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ukraine from 22.06.11, No. 667.


Every year the number of foreign students grows in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Our country always was hospitable, with a warm and good relation to foreigners. That who looks for quality and available education abroad, it is possible to recommend safely training in Ukraine.


Ukraine presented to the world many persons which have become known in various branches of science, cultures, art and sports. And it not only the people living presently, and and about what we know according to historical documents. Let's remember names of the outstanding persons which have got education in educational institutions of Ukraine.


It is quite possible that during introductory campaign of 2013 entrants will put in statements in higher educational institutions only in electronic form. It was declared by the Minister of Education of Ukraine Dmitry Tabachnik. Let's remind that during introductory campaign of 2012 by electronic system for submission of statements in HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS more than 67 thousand entrants from total of entrants – 620 thousand used.


In the course of training it is very important to use as much as possible sources and materials for development of the personal qualities and outlook expansion.


The Ukrainian science and education originate with Х–ХІІ century, times of Kievan Rus' when the first schools started to appear. The history of formation of a network of schools, creations of the powerful prosveshchenchesky centers displays difficult history of formation of the most Ukrainian state.


In world and European educational space rating systems were widely adopted and also had application in various spheres economic, social, and political activity.


Result of receiving the higher education should, undoubtedly be the guaranteed employment upon termination of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION. This criterion is the main thing for the majority of students and entrants.


The invitation to study is the official document which prepares department of passport and visa services of Ukraine.


Below are the general rules, provisions and recommendations for accommodation of students in hostels of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS are specified. These rules are generalized and can differ depending on HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION and its schedule.